Read a sentence in the Present Progressive and then complete a sentence in the Past
Progressive using the words in brackets.
Example: Doris is having Chemistry right now. (At that time yesterday ... )
At that time yesterday Doris was having Chemistry.
1. Peter is drawing in pencil at the moment. (The whole evening yesterday ... )
2. Jim and his brother are playing draughts in their room now. (When father came home ... )
3. I am watching cartoons at the moment. (While my mother was cooking supper ... )
4. Scott is looking for a present for his friend right now. (All day long yesterday... )
5. Lily is making meat salad in the kitchen at the moment. ( ... when the door bell rang.)
6. The pupils are writing a composition at the moment. ( ... when the headmaster came into the
7. Bob is acting on the stage right now. (Yesterday at 6 ... )
8. Alice and Bessy are making presents with their own hands for their relatives now. (The whole
morning yesterday ... )
9. Jerry isnt skating on the skating rink at the moment. (From two till four o clock yesterday ... )
10. They are walking the· streets of Berlin at the moment. (All night yesterday ... )
11. Mary is gathering bilberries in the forest right now. ( … when it began to rain.)


Ответ дал: hlpme99


  1. Peter was drawing ..
  2. were playing draughts..
  3. i was watching cartoons.
  4. Scott was looking..
  5. Lily was making meat salad..
  6. The pupils were writing
  7. Bob was acting
  8. ..were making..
  9. he was not skating
  10. were walking
  11. was gathering
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