

Ответ дал: okokok11

Task 1.

1. Jane said that we had had a great party the previous day

2. Angela asked if I will go abroad the following year

3. Tom  said that the book was worth reading

4. Rudolph asked me what was my favourite food

5. Alan asked if my brother had found a job

6. Linda said to me that Ann was going to come here the next day

Task 2.

1. Tom would pay three dollars for oranges if he went to the greengrocer's. (II)

2. We will go swimming if the weather is hot. (I)

3. If you had come to the party yeasterday, you would have met Jack. (III)

4. If Chris arrived, he would call me. (II)

5. If you water plants, the will grow. (I)

6. If David hadn't wasted time, he wouldn't have missed the train (III)

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