Раскройте скобки (письменно): 1. I (to be) afraid of dogs when I (to be) a child. 2. Where is Ann? She (to have) a shower. 3. Margaret (to speak) four languages. 4. What Jack (to do) when the phone rang? 5. I (to start) work at 9 and (to finish) at 12. 6. I (to clean) the room before my mother came home. 7. Pete and Ann (to return) home before the New Year. 8. Jim (to buy) a new car next.


Ответ дал: also42241Alexa


1. I used to be afraid of dogs when i was a child.

2. She is having a shower.

3. Margaret speaks four languages.

4. What was Jack doing when the phone rang.

5. I started work at 9 and finished at 12.

6. I had claned the room before my mother came home.

7. Pete and Ann had returned home before the New Year.

8. Jim is buying/will buy(оба правильны) car next (тут должно быть day, week, year?)

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