Помогите пожалуйста
Cоставьте 5 предложений о том, что может случиться в будущем. И к Passive Voice Future Perfect

enisyafionina7: Это passive voice?
azarudnev86: Да, пассивный залог, когда действие совершается над предметом
enisyafionina7: И еще это future perfect?
azarudnev86: Ну наверное, вам виднее)
enisyafionina7: Cкажите пожалуйста, а там не надо will have been, а у вас просто will be


Ответ дал: azarudnev86


In the near future, as the practice of the last 20 years shows, all technologies will be changed on a global scale. Energy will be scooped by a person not from the bowels of the earth but from alternative sources. Man as a creature will also be changed biologically and technically. For example, prostheses will be used instead of eyes to gain night vision, and a person will be changed by evolution due to genetic engineering.

Cars will also evolve. For example, the steering wheel from the car will be completely removed or hidden until that moment. until there is a need for it.

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