Упражнение 1. Дополните вопросы, выбрав правильный вариант. 1. What’s the most __________ thing you have ever done? a excited b. exciting 2. When was the last time you were really ______________? a.bored b. boring 3. Do you think learning English is _____________ ? a. tired b. tiring 4. What do you think is the most_______________ sport or activity? a. exhausted b. exhausting 5. What do you find ____________? Give some examples. a. amused b. amusing 6. What the most ______________ news you’ve heard this year? a. depressed b. depressing Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, поставив -ing или -ed. 1. Your remarks were ________ (insult). You should apologize! 2. Molly was really ________ (annoy) with her sister for teasing her. 3. The film we watched was ________ (interest). 4. These days children’s games are more ________ (entertain). 5. Mona Lisa’s smile is quite ________ (intrigue). 6. These numbers on teen’s alcohol addiction are rather ________ (disturb). 7. Susie felt rather ________ (frustrate) with her performance. 8. It’s ________ (freeze) cold in this room! Haven’t they got central heating? 9. The final exam results were rather ________ (disappoint). 10. Listening to classical music is quite ________ (relax). 11. Ben didn’t understand the teacher’s question. He looked ________ (puzzle). 12. They gave me a warm________ (welcome) hug! 13. Pupils get ________ (distract) very easily.


Ответ дал: balet123


Упражнение 1.

1. exciting

2. bored

3. tiring

4. exhausting

5. amusing

6. depressing

Упражнение 2.

1. insulting

2. annoyed

3. interesting

4. entertaining

5. intriguing

6. disturbing

7. frustrated

8. freezing

9. disappointing

10. relaxing

11. puzzled

12. welcoming

13. distracted


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