Choose the right answer.
1. Where ___ yesterday? - I was at home.
a) you were b) you was c) were you d) did you
2. Where ______ yesterday? I didn’t go anywhere.
a) went you b) did you went c) did you go d)was you go
3. Why not go to the National Gallery? I ______ there yesterday.
a)go b) went c)gone d) have gone
4. I _______ to the USA .
a) have never been b) been have never c) have never d) never been
a) seventy-third b) seventy-three c) seventy-threeth d) seventy-thirty
6. Your homework is even worse __ mine!
a) then b) than c) as d) of
7. Your English.... getting better. Try to do more exercises.
a) do b) is not c) is d) are
8 . It.... dark at 8 o'clock in the evening.
a) are b) is c) am d) be
9. Show___ the plan of your article.
a) they b) them c) their d) themselves
10. Was there ... lecture on physics yesterday?
a) some b) any c) no d) not any
11. Will you be there ___Sunday?
a) at b) in c) on d) of
12. June is___than May in our region.
a) hot b) the hottest c) hotter d) hottest
13. Who is ___ popular engineer in our country?
a) more b) most c) much d) the most
14. My results in the test are ___of all.
a) good b) better c) best d) the best
15. Do you like him___there?
a) coming b) came c) to come d) come
16. Tea will be ready when you_____ home.
a) gets b) get c) will get d) shall get
17. She will come to tea if you______ her .
a)asks b) ask c) asked d) will ask
18. She didn’t open the door because she _____ a rest.
a)having b) has c) was having d) had
19. My house is at ___.
a) end of street b) end of the street c) the end of the street d) the end of street
20. I saw Lucy and Steve this morning. They ___ at the bus stop.
a) waiting b) waited c) were waiting d) was waiting
21. I ___television yesterday.
a) didn't watch b) didn't watched c) don't watched d) don't watch
22.When I go abroad I prefer to go _____ plane.
a) in b)by c) with the d) by the
23. Do you want him___there?
a)coming b) came c) to come d) come


Ответ дал: karinas9144
1) were you
2)did you go
4)have never been
5)seventy third
7)is not
Ответ дал: ann250999

1. Where were you (c) yesterday? I was at home.

2. Where did you go (c) yesterday? I didn't go anywhere.

3. Why not go to the National Gallery? I went (b) there yesterday.

4. I have never been (a) to the USA.

5. 73rd—seventy-third (a) (правда, тут должно быть понятно, так как там rd на конце, но ладно)

6. Your homework is even worse than mine! (главное—не перепутать then & than: then значит потом/тогда, а than для сравнения)

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