Article THE with Proper Names
Fill in THE if necessary
1. ... Kharkivska Street is the longest in Summy, isn't it?
2. ... Oxford Street in a paradise for shoppers.
3. Let's go to ... Trafalgar Square.
4. ... Pisadilly Circus is worth visiting.
5. Do you know ... Marry Black?
6. Tonight we are visiting ... Smiths.
7. I hardly recognized ... Marry I used to know in my childhood.
8. ... Loch Ness is full of mysteries.
9. ... London Eye is one of the most popular tourist attractions.
10. Is ... Pacific Ocean the largest in the world?
11. Have you ever been to ... Great Britain?
12. Last year we want to ... Netherlands.
13. As far as I know, he works in ... USA.
14. What do you know about ... Republic of lreland?
15. ... Northern Ireland is a part of ... UK.
16. We spent our vacation at ... Black Sea.
17. I know nothing about ... Republic of Congo.
18. ... London stands on ... Thames. ​​


Ответ дал: AndreyZTT


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