Помогите пожалуйста даю 100 балов,если будет два варианта ответа( письма) и будет без ошибок


Plus9ToIntellect: I hate BTS. You like it? If you do you are not my friend any more....
LiberianSempai: Lol. Hard Case))) I dont care about BTS. Why hate? Why? Why can't we just ignore them? Why do you have to hate? Where is the logic?
Plus9ToIntellect: I've wrote it just for fun... Have a nice day.
LiberianSempai: Ah, I understand. Thanks) You too)
Plus9ToIntellect: ❤️
fellisity: это тип экзамен?


Ответ дал: LiberianSempai


Dear Stuart.

Hello, Stuart. I am fine! Thank you, for your letter. I had a very wonderful holiday! Jamaica is a beautiful state and so populated. Thank you, Maurice, I hope too, that my uncle will recover!

Oh my God, thank you for your inviting, I am very glad! :)

I'll be there on the 15th, book our tickets. Thank you so much, really. See you on the 15th.

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