пожалуйста, помогите мне❤️
Complete with a I an, the, or- (= no article).
1 We went to____cinema___Last night
We saw____great film.
2. A Do you like___sport? B It depends.
I hate___football. I think___footballers
earn too much money.
3 He always wears___expensive clothes and drives____expensive car.
4 Jake's____musician and artist.
5 They've changed___date of__meeting
It's__next Tuesday now.
6 We walked to___city centre but we got
taxi back to___hotel.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1 We went to THE cinema last night.

We saw A great film.

2. Do you like sport? B It depends.

I hate football. I think footballers

earn too much money.

3 He always wears expensive clothes and drives AN expensive car.

4 Jake's A musician and AN artist.

5 They've changed THE date of THE meeting.

It's next Tuesday now.

6 We walked to THE city centre but we got A taxi back to THE hotel.

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