Трансформируйте предложения в прошедшее и будущее время

1. He may use the diagrams for his report.
2. Every motion must be considered as a relative motion.
3. Fractions can be added if they have common denominator.
4. Most persons can hear sounds between 20 and 20,000 vibration per second.
5. The generator must be repaired as soon as possible.


Ответ дал: Liitlebruh
1. He used diagrams for his report.
1. He will use diagrams for his report.

2. Every motion was considered as a relative motion.
2. Every motion will be considered as a relative motion.

3. Fractions were added when they had a common denominator.
3. Fractions will be added if they have a common denominator.

4. Most people could hear sounds between 20 and 20,000 vibration per second.
4. Most people can be hear sounds between 20 and 20,000 vibrations per second.

5. The generator was repaid as soon as possible.
5. The generator will be repaired as soon as possible.
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