помогите пожалуйста
1)1. John ________ (to play) football yesterday. 2. I just _________ (to open) the window. 3. Mary _________(not to speak) to the teacher yet. 4. Steve and Mark _________ (not to go) to London in 2009. 5. Jim __________ (to give) to his friend 5000 dollars six months ago. 6. – Alice, you just _________ (to break) my cup? – No, I _______ not. 7. You ever __________ (to be) to New York? 8. You ___________ (to dance) on parade last May? Variant

2)1. Tanya _________ (cook) dinner yesterday. 2. Julia _______ (to watch) this film yet. 3. Patrick _______ (not to see) snow last winter. 4. I already ________ (to drink) hot tea. 5. Jim ________ (to go) to Oxford three weeks ago. 6. – Donny, you _________ (to take) my book? – No, I _______ not. 7. You ever _________ (to be) to Los Angeles? 8. You ________ (to work) in “Sberbank” in 2010?​


Ответ дал: katrukV

1)1. John didn't  play football yesterday.

2. I have just opened the window.

3. Mary has not spoken to the teacher yet.

4. Steve and Mark did not go to London in 2009.

5. Jim gave to his friend 5000 dollars six months ago.

6. – Alice, have you just  broken my cup? – No, I haven't.

7. Have you ever been to New York?

8. Did you dance on parade last May? Variant

2)1. Tanya cooked dinner yesterday. 2. Julia hasn't watched  this film yet. 3. Patrick did not see snow last winter. 4. I have already drunk hot tea. 5. Jim went to Oxford three weeks ago. 6. – Donny, have you  taken my book? – No, I haven't. 7.Have you ever been to Los Angeles? 8. Did you work in “Sberbank” in 2010?​

rainbowflower449: спасибо большое!!!
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