Пожалуйста исправьте предложения! Please!
1) We twice in the few last months were
2) The were videos both rented
3) What order taken photographs were in the?
4) got never thieves caught The
5) Listen to read the being story
6) Have burnt you ever got cooking while a meal?


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1) We were last twice in the few months.

Мы были в последний раз дважды за последние несколько месяцев.

2) Both the videos were rented.

Оба видео были взяты напрокат.

3) In what order were the photographs taken?

3) В каком порядке были сделаны фотографии?

4) The thieves never got caught.

Воров так и не поймали.

5) Listen to the story being read.

Слушайте прочитанный рассказ.

6) Have you ever got a meal burnt while cooking?

У вас когда-нибудь полгорала еда во время готовки?

Вас заинтересует