Помогите с тестом по английскому 18+9 баллов


1. I meet … every day in the House of Lords*.

a)she b) him c) hers d) his

2. All members of the British Parliament* are present at the coronation of

the the Monarch. … is out.

a)Nobody b) Each c) All d) Everyone

3. Preschool … attend kindergartens or playing groups till the age of five in

Great Britain.

а) childs b) childrens c) children d) child’s

4. I have finished my report on Electoral system in Great Britain … 8 today.

a)at b) in c) to d) by

5. … you ever heard songs of the British group «Rowling stones»?

a)Have b) Has c) Had d) Will

6. … of them is the member of the British government?

a) which b) that c) these d) whose


Ответ дал: hallo2020


1- b. 2-d. 3-c. 4-d. 5+a. 6-a.

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