If the preposition is unnecessary, leave it out. This creates more clear and concise writing.
Example: Where are the plates at?
Revision: Where are the plates?

1. She was born ... 2004.
2. They are waiting ...the bus.
3. Don't forget to bring some flowers ...you.
4. I haven't smoked ...ages.
5. You can look up the word a dictionary.
6. She is allergic ...insect stings.
7. I'm looking ...my keys. Have you found them?
8. The song was written ...Madonna.
9. He likes to travel ...Spain in summer.
10. The police car chased the robbers ...the streets.


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 in

2 for

3 with

4 for

5 in

6 to

7 for

8 by

9 to

10 in

Ответ дал: Legend2003

1. She was born in 2004.

2. They are waiting for (unnecessary) the bus.

3. Don't forget to bring some flowers with you.

4. I haven't smoked for ages.

5. You can look up the word a dictionary.

6. She is allergic to insect stings.

7. I'm looking for my keys. Have you found them?

8. The song was written by Madonna.

9. He likes to travel to (unnecessary) Spain in summer.

10. The police car chased the robbers in the streets.

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