Нужна помощь.
2. Use the Past Perfect Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. By 9 o’clock I (pack) my suitcase and was ready to start. 2. Nina wasn’t at home when I arrived. She just (go) out. 3. By the time we got home everybody already (go) to bed. 4. Mark looked happy. He (find) his keys. 5. She knew the actor well. She (see) him in many plays. 6. My mother was busy in the kitchen. She (not cook) the dinner yet. 7. My friend told me he (work) in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg. 8. This writer (finished) his new novel by the end of the year. 9. I thought that my brother (not come) home yet. 10. Ronald (return) from the cinema by 6 o’clock. 11. Yesterday my sister found the book which she (lose) in summer. 12. My parents were glad to hear that I (pass) all my exams.


Ответ дал: galina572319


1 had packed

2 had just gone

3 had already gone

4 had found

5 had seen

6 hadn't cooked

7 had worked

8 had finished

9 hadn't come

10 had returned

11 had lost

12 had passed

Ответ дал: izta


Have Packed

Has gone

Hasn't cooked

has worked

Has finished

Hasn't come

Has returned

Has lost

Have passed


1Eidolon1: неправильно. Past perfect ало
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