Пожалуйста помогите, для зачета нужно
II. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. Be careful! You ...too fast.
a) drive b) are driving c) drives
2. The businessman ...to England yesterday.
a) fly b) is flying c) flew
3. Now Peter ...for a job in New York.
a) is looking b) was looking c) will be looking
4. I … just … the letter.
a) are writing b) have written c) will write
5. Every day Julia … the bus to go to her office.
a) takes b) take c) is taking
III. Вставьте вместо точек артикль the там, где это необходимо.
1. ..Rostov is on ...right ...bank of... Don.
2. … Canada in … North and … Mexico in … South are the only countries that have borders with … USA.
3. … highest mountains in our land are … Altai, … Urals, … Caucasus.
4. … English Channel separates … Great Britain from … France.
5. … United States of … America has many lakes, including … Great Lakes.


Ответ дал: polinadelfranco


1 b



4 b

5 a

1 _, the, _, _.

2_, the, _, the, _.

3 The, _, _, _.

4 _, the, _.

5 _, _, the


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