Помогите пожалуйста очень срочно, через 1 час сдавать.
Present Simple or Past Simple
She (meet) her friends every day.
He (not talk) with him for a long time.
Our students (organize) this meeting.
I (go) to my relatives on week-ends.
I (go) to my relatives last week-end.
He (take) my books often.
I (give) him all my books a week ago.
(See) you him on the today’s lesson?
He (not come) to me since Friday.


Ответ дал: Decoration
  1. She meets her friends every day.
  2. He hasn't talked with him for a long time.
  3. Our students organized this meeting.
  4. I go to my relatives on week-ends.
  5. I went to my relatives last week-end.
  6. He takes my books often.
  7. I gave him all my books a week ago.
  8. Have you seen him on the today’s lesson?
  9. He has not come to me since Friday.
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