I. Подчеркнуть сказуемое. Определить залог и временную форму
1 Some new magazines will be shown to the girls tomorrow.
2 We understood all the problems that our teacher explained to us.
3 He had written this work by 6 o’clock.
4 They had bought vegetables before they left the market.
5 Who has written this article?
6 We were told the news yesterday.
7 We wrote a dictation last week.


Ответ дал: abonte

1. Сказуемое: will be shown

Залог: passive

Временная форма: Future Simple

2. Сказуемые: 1) understood; 2) explained

Залог: 1) active; 2) active

Временные формы: 1) Past Simple; 2) Past Simple

3. Сказуемое: had written

Залог: active

Временная форма: Past Perfect

4. Сказуемые: 1) had bought; 2) left

Залог: 1) active; 2) active

Временные формы: 1) Past Perfect; 2) Past Simple

5. Сказуемое: has written

Залог: active

Временная форма: Present Perfect

6. Сказуемое: were told

Залог: passive

Временная форма: Past Simple

7. Сказуемое: wrote

Залог: active

Временная форма: Past Simple

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