Задайте вопрос к выделенным словам, начиная вопросительное предложение
с того вопросительного слова, которое стоит в скобках.
1.The car stopped near the bank. (Where)
2. Your boss is very impudent. (Whose)
3. I am going to a swimming pool. (Where)
4. British students have a wide choice of subjects. (Who)
5. She has lived in England for three month. (Where)


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1.The car stopped near the bank. - Where did the car stop?

2. Your boss is very impudent. - Whose boss is very impudent?

3. I am going to a swimming pool. - Where are you going?

4. British students have a wide choice of subjects. - Who has a wide choice of subjects?

5. She has lived in England for three months. - Where has she lived for three months?

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