1. We ... tennis every day.

• plays

• play

• played

• playing

2. Ann and Bill … friends.

• are

• is

• be

• am

3. She ... here.

• doesn't work

• doesn't worked

• don't work

• not works

4. He usually … coffee in the morning.

• drink

• drinks

• drinking

• drank

5. ….. you a teacher?

• is

• are

• am

• do

6. They …. dairy products.

• like

• likes

• liking

• liked

7. …. my sister ... good coffee?

• does ….. make

• does …… makes

• does ….. made

• do ……. made

8. There are 3 ….. in the street.

• man

• men

• mans

• mens

9. Sam has got 2….

• child

• children

• 3.childs

• childen

10. There are apples … the plate.

• in

• on

• at

• from

11. He goes to the swimming-pool ... Monday

• in

• on

• at

• from

12. I live …. Moscow.

• in

• on

• at

• from

13. Where did you go … winter?

• in

• on

• from

• at

14. This is ... .

• a good very house

• a very good house

• a house very good

• very good a house

15. What's her job? -She's... .

• a teacher

• the teacher

• teachers

• an teacher

16. Britain is ... island.

• an

• a

• the

• -


Ответ дал: juls2273
1 plays
2 are
3 doesn’t work
4 drinks
5 are
6 like
7 does ... make
8 men
9 children
10 on
11 on
12 in
13 in
14 a very good house
15 a teacher
16 an
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