Помогите пожалуйста 1. What is … longest river in the world?
a. a

2. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.
a. a
b. the
c. –

3. . …. are afraid of cats.
a. dogs
b. mice
c. mouses

4. That is Mr. Smith. Can you see _____ well?
a. us
b. him
c. me

5. You have bad teeth. You should clean _____ twice a day.
c. them

6. The film started…eight o’clock on Thursday.
a) in
b) at
c) across

7. Let’s go…Moscow tomorrow.
a) on
b) in
c) to

8. I heard the news on the radio while I ... home yesterday evening.
a) drive
b) had driven
c) was driving
d) drove

9. They will fly to London if they ________ tickets in time.
a) buy
b) have bought
c) will buy

10. You _________ use your phone in the theatre.
a) can not
b) must
c) must not

11. My room is (comfortable) ________ one in our flat.
a) the comfortablest
b) more comfortable
c) the most comfortable
d) most comfortable

12. Today you look.. … than yesterday.
a) more good
b) gooder
c) better

13. I__________a decision yet.
a) made
b) am making
c) haven’t made
d) will make
e) hadn’t made

14. John …… tennis once or twice a week.
a) plays
b) is playing
c) play

15. My brother ... music lessons for three years now.
a) have taken
b) has been taking
c) took

16. There ... many cars in front of the house.
a) is
b) are
c) am
d) was

17. There ... news tonight.
a) are not many
b) is not much
c) are not much
d) is not many
e) is many

18. He said: "I can speak English very well".
He said that he ... English very well.
a) can speak
b) could speak
c) will speak
d) may speak
e) have to speak

19. 145 _____ live in the Russian Federation.
a) millions people
b) millions of people
c) million of people
d) million people


1. Составьте предложения.

a) I, Trafalgar, never, been to, Square, have.
b) to / I / on / a / night-club / sometimes / Saturdays / go
c) fly / my parents / to Australia / sometimes / I / in winter / and

2. Вставьте much/many.
a) I see _________ sweets in the box.
b) Is there _________ butter on the bread?

3. Заполните пропуски to be/to have.
a) He _______ a sociable boy.
b) They ______ very lazy.
c) We ________ good marks..
d) To tell the truth, I _____ too careful.

4. Задайте общий вопрос и дайте ответ.

a) She is playing football now.
b) They will do this work tomorrow.
с) My working day begins early in the morning.

5. Подчеркните слова по теме «Семья»:
father, room, to be single, granddaughter, nephew, table, window, relatives, aunt, to be married, country, parents, cousin, morning, figure.
6. Напишите время/часы словами или цифрами.
a) 10.15
b) It’s quarter to eight.

7. Напишите правильное указательное местоимение: this/these; that/those
a) It’s fabulous. Are _______ your children in the photos?
b) These apples are much sweeter that ______ones.

8.Закончите диалоги подходящими фразами.
Can you give me a hand with this bag?
Could you give me your telephone number?
Sorry, I haven’t got any money.
Yes, of course.
Could you open the window, please?
Certainly, sir. Cheese or chicken?
1 A _________________________
B Yes. I’ll text it to you now.

2 A_________________________
B Sure … It’s heavy!

3 A_________________________
B No problem. It’s hot today, isn’t it?

4 A Could I have a sandwich?

5 A Can you lend me 50 pence, please?

6 A Could I speak to you for a moment?

1. Переведите текст на русский язык.
In June I took part in the rural sports festival as a cheerleader. The training took three weeks and was rather difficult but interesting. A lot of people gathered at the stadium to


Ответ дал: alotoffilms



2) The


4) him



7) to

8)was driving


10)can not

11) the most comfortable


13)havent made


15)has been taking


17)are not much

18) could speak

19) million people

Part 2

1) I have never been to Trafalgar Square

2) I sometimes go to a night-club on Saturday

3) My parents and I sometimes fly to Australia in winter

Ex 2

a) many

b) much

Ex 3

a) is

b) are



1) What is she doing?

2) When will they do this work?

3) When does your working day begin?

Ex 5.

father, to be single, granddaughter, nephew, relatives, aunt, to be married, parents, cousin

Ex 6

1) ten point fifteen

2) 7:45

Ex 7

1) these

b) those

Ex 8

1)Could you give me your telephone number?

2)Can you give me a hand with this bag?

3)Could you open the window, please?

4)Certainly, sir. Cheese or chicken?

5)Sorry, I haven’t got any money.

6)Yes, of course.

Part C

В июне я принимала участие в качестве чирлидера на фестивале сельского спорта. Тренировка заняла 3 недели, это было давольно трудно, но интересно. Много людей собрались на стадионе, чтобы ...


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