Переведите слова в скобках, пользуясь списком слов, данных ниже:

1. These machine tools can produce (детали) with very high (точностью).

2. This lathe performs (точение) and (нарезку резьбы).

3. The machine tool which is to perform turning is called the (токарный станок).

4. The new workshop houses a new (гибкий) module.

5. The flexible production line consists of a programmable machine tool, a robot, which (манипулирует) the parts automatically, and an electronic control system.

6. The module is able to switch from one product to another which has а (подобную) structure but (другое) outline.

7. А (многоцелевой) lathe-robot can put questions to the operator.

turning; parts; lathe; flexible; handles; similar; accuracy; multipurpose; threading; different


Ответ дал: ospicks


1. Parts | Accuracy

2. Turning | Threading

3. Lathe

4. Flexible

5. Handles

6. Similar | Different

7. Multipurpose


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