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But perhaps even the most impressive features of Shakespeare’s plays are the characters within them. The many characters in his plays seem very different from each other, but they seem very realistic. The emotions they feel, the words they say, and the actions they perform are all easily understood. Many people who watch one of Shakespeare’s plays will find that they know people who remind them somewhat of the characters in those plays.

Shakespeare died in the year 1619, but his writings are still popular today, 400 years after they were written. The poems and plays are greatly admired by experts in literature, but also by people in general. Each year, hundreds of thousands of people enjoy attending performances of Shakespeare’s plays. No other writer in the English language has remained so popular for such a long time.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

are-present simple,active

seem - present simple,active

feel - present simple,active

say - present simple,active

perform - present simple, active,

are understood - present simple, passive,

watch - present simple, active

will find - future simple, active

know - present simple, active

remind - present simple,active

died - past simple, active

were written - past simple, passive,

are admired - present simple, passive, enjoy - present simple,active

has remained - present perfect,active

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