Вставить слова в пропущенные строки.

‘Hi Jill, is this dictionary _____?’ *

‘Is this iPad Susan’s?’‘Yes, it is ____. She was looking for it.’ *

Are these boys your sons? - No, they are _____ nephews. *

Don’t play with that ball or Baby John will cry. It’s ____ favourite toy. *

My dad is a writer. This is ____ computer. *

Have you seen Sue? I think this is _____ bag. *

This is Sally’s car; it isn’t ______ so I can’t drive it. *

Give us these books. They are _____ . *

Ann has three cats. ______ names are Spot, Ink and Blue. *

That is Mr and Mrs Smith’s house. The Ferrari is also ______. *


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 yours

2 hers

3 my

4 his

5 his

6 her

7 mine

8 ours

9 their

10 theirs

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