Срочно, пожалуйста!!!

Вставьте could или was/were able to.

1. My grandmother _____________ work in the garden for a long time some years ago.
2. I was studying all the evening yesterday and I _____________ translate this text.
3. When my cousin was in town yesterday, he _____________ visit a dentist.
4. When she was young, she _____________ walk 10 miles a day.
5. We tried to solve a very difficult problem yesterday and nobody _____________ do it.
6. There were a lot of visitors in this café yesterday but we _____________ find a vacant table.
7. Before the injury this diver _____________ stay under the water for 4 minutes.
8. When my daughter was little, she _____________ ask the questions all day long.
9. The old woman spoke very quietly but we _____________ understand what she told us.
10. Last year our father got a bonus and we _____________ travel around the Crimea.


Ответ дал: Mrbulatik



. was having; 2. were playing; 3. was running; 4. was speaking; 5. were driving; 6. was ironing; 7. were sleeping; 8. was listening;

9. was dusting; 10. were playing.

naryshkind: от души)
Mrbulatik: На здоровье
naryshkind: а там нету чтоль ни одного could?
Mrbulatik: Нет
Mrbulatik: Это из какого учебника задание?
naryshkind: фиг знает
Mrbulatik: Лад, если ещё вопросы будут пиши
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