Supply Future Perfect and comment on the use. Помогите пожалуйста))

1. We (finish) supper by 9 o’clock. 2. I hope I (write) my graduation paper by the end of May. 3. I’ll phone you at 10. – No, I (go) to the University by then. 4. They (work) here for a year next October. 5. Next year is my parents’ wedding anniversary. They (be) married for 25 years. 6. We are late. I’m afraid the film (start) by the time we get to the cinema. 7. By the time my guests arrive I (clean) the house from top to bottom. 8. The tourists hope it (stop) raining before they arrive to France. 9. Next month I (know) Susan for three years. 10. By the time you start writing your test I (finish) mine. 11. You (arrange) everything by tomorrow?



Добрый вечер! Если Вам понравится мой ответ, была бы рада отметке «лучший ответ». Поможет мне поднять рейтинг и помогать еще больше.

1. will have finished

2.will have written

3.will have gone

4.will have worked

5.will have been

6.will has started

7.will have cleaned

8.will has stopped

9.will have known

10.will have finished

11.will have arranged

zaharovsmol199: спасибо большое
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