1. Maria__________ German at evening classes this term.
a. Is studying b. studies c. study d. does study

2. I __________ out last night. I was too tired.
a. didn’t go b. wasn’t going c. didn’t went d. haven’t gone.

3. __________ my cousine 4 times today but her number’s always engaged.
a. phoned b. I’d phoned c. I’ve phoned d. I’ve been phoning

4. __________ the dentist after school so I can’t play tennis with you
a. I’ll visit b. I’m going to visit c. I’m visiting d. I visit

5. Where __________?” “In a village near London.
a. lives your uncle b. have your uncle lived c. does your uncle live d. is your uncle living

6. Lisa was driving into town when she__________ out of petrol
a. Was running b. run c ran d. had run

7. I’ll write to you as soon as __________ my exam results
a. I know b. I’ll know C I’m going to know d. I’ve known my exams

8. The builders __________ the house by the end of this week
a. have finished b. will have finished c. will have been finishing d are finishing

9. I don’t like action films now, but I __________ like them when I was younger.
a. was used to b. used to c. would d. would use to

10. Liz is from Edinburgh. She __________ there all her life.
a. is living b has lived c lives d lived


Ответ дал: Аноним

1. a

2. a

3. c

4. c

5. c

6. c

7. a

8. b

9. b

10. b

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