Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 In 1963, Valentina Tereshkova became (become) the first woman in space.

2 I didn’t know why he sent me those flowers, but now I _______ (understand).

3 _______ you _______ (watch) TV when I called?

4 She’ll call you as soon as she _______ (arrive).

5 Sally was fed up with _______ (work) every weekend, so she quit her job.

6 Joanna _______ (have) short hair since we graduated ten years ago.

7 When we were kids, we _______ (not have) to wear school uniforms.

8 I arrived late at the party and most of the guests _______ (leave).

9 He was really hungry because he _______ (not eat) since breakfast.

10 Huw _______ (go) to Maidstone United matches every week for the past twenty years.

11 _______ you _______ (get on) well with your cousins when you were a kid?


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1 In 1963, Valentina Tereshkova BECAME the first woman in space.

2 I didn’t know why he sent me those flowers, but now I UNDERSTAND.

3 WERE you WATCHING TV when I called?

4 She’ll call you as soon as she ARRIVES.

5 Sally was fed up with WORKING every weekend, so she quit her job.

6 Joanna HAS HAD short hair since we graduated ten years ago.

7 When we were kids, we DIDN'T HAVE to wear school uniforms.

8 I arrived late at the party and most of the guests HAD LEFT.

9 He was really hungry because he HAD NOT EATEN since breakfast.

10 Huw HAS BEEN GOING to Maidstone United matches every week for the past twenty years.

11 DID you GET ON well with your cousins when you were a kid?

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