Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в скобках:
1. I (to watch) TV from 7 to 9 p.m. yesterday.
2. He (not to go) to the Academy the day before yesterday.
3. The newspapers (to bring) every day.
4. She just (to come).
5. You ever (to write) letters abroad?
6. Don’t enter this room! Students of economics department (to examine) there.
7. I will go to Great Britain if my mother (to give) me money.
8. Ann (to do) her homework before her parents came.
9. My father (to come back) from his business trip next week.
10. She (to visit) her parents every weekend.
11. Look! Our monitor (to speak) to the dean.
12. Our teacher always (to speak) English at the lesson.
13. The scientists (to discover) this star this year.
14. She just (to write) a letter to her granny.
15. Soon I (not to depend) on my parents.
16. I (to finish) cooking by the time my aunt comes home.
17. I can’t give you this article. It (to translate) by my students now.
18. I (to enter-поступить) the Academy 4 months ago.
19. The house (to build) by my father by July of the next year.
20. He (not to see) the rector yesterday.


Ответ дал: Decoration


1. I was watching TV from 7 to 9 p.m. yesterday.

2. He didn't go to the Academy the day before yesterday.

3. The newspapers are brought every day.

4. She has just come

5. Have you ever written letters abroad?

6. Don’t enter this room! Students of economics department are being examined there.

7. I will go to Great Britain if my mother gives me money.

8. Ann had done her homework before her parents came.

9. My father will come back from his business trip next week.

10. She visits her parents every weekend.

11. Look! Our monitor is speaking to the dean.

12. Our teacher always speaks English at the lesson.

13. The scientists has discovered this star this year.

14. She has just written a letter to her granny.

15. Soon I will not depend on my parents.

16. I had finished cooking by the time my aunt comes home.

17. I can’t give you this article. It is being translated by my students now.

18. I entered the Academy 4 months ago.

19. The house will have been built by my father by July of the next year.

20. He didn't see the rector yesterday.

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