Помогите пожалуйста решить тест!
16) When I saw him he__a letter. A. wrote B. has written C. writing D. was writing
17) When you go through customs, you luggage may__by a customs officer. A. be checked B. have checked C. have been checked D.check
18) You haven’t met my sister,__? A. have you not B. have you C. didn’t you D. do you

19) Could you all stop__? The programmeis beginning now. A. to talk B. talking C. being talked D. be talking

20) You shoes are terribly dirty, they really need__. A. cleaning B.clean C. to clean D.cleaned

21) Please, don’t wake me up tomorrow morning. Let me __a little longer. A. sleep B.to sleep C. sleeping D.to sleeping

22) Why didn’t you tell me? – You__angry if I had. A.were B. were to be C. had been D. would have been

23) Why didn’t you carry that heavy box? You__hurt youself. A. may had B. can C. could have D.needn’t have

24) Everyone understood. The teacher__ A.may not B. mustn’t C. didn’t need D. needn’t

25) Many different languages__ in India. A.speak B. spoke C. are speaking D. are spoken


Ответ дал: Decoration


16 D. was writing

17 A. be checked

18 B. have you

19 B. talking

20 A. cleaning

21 A. sleep

22 D. would have been

23 C. could have

24 C. didn’t need

25 D. are spoken

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