Выберите соответствующую форму Past Perfect Continuous или Past Continuous:
1. He told me that he… in the river every weekend for the last three years but he had never caught anything. (had been fishing; was fishing)
2. The tourists … for the bus very long, so when it arrived, it was already to late. (were waiting; had been waiting)
3. She looked at the watch. She … at her report for five hours. (was working; had been working)
4. My wife said that the children … since 8 o’clock. (had been sleeping, were sleeping)


Ответ дал: galina572319


1. He told me that he had been fishing in the river for the past three years every weekend, but he never caught anything.

2. The tourists had been waiting for the bus for a very long time, so when it arrived, it was already too late.

3. She looked at her watch. She had been working on her report for five hours.

4. My wife said that the children had been sleeping since 8 o'clock.

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