Впиши в пропуски am,is,are,was или were 
Diar Diary ,
My family and I 1)........... just back from an amazing holiday in the Bahamas. We had a great time! The weather 2).......... fantastic; it 3)..........really hot and sunny. My family and I 4).........so happy there. I know it 5)...........not that long ago but I 6)...........already missing the sun and sea,especially today because the weather 7).........cold here . On the ofter hand,of course, it 8)............nice to be back home with all my friends. 


Ответ дал: ElskerNorge
Diar Diary ,
My family and I 1)are just back from an amazing holiday in the Bahamas. We had a great time! The weather 2)was fantastic; it 3)was really hot and sunny. My family and I 4)were so happy there. I know it 5)was not that long ago but I 6)am already missing the sun and sea,especially today because the weather 7)is cold here. On the other hand,of course, it 8)is nice to be back home with all my friends. 
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