Find a sentence in Present Progressive: A) Last year we in France. B) Have you cleaned the floor? C) Are you from New Zealand? D) I’m making a cheese cake right now. E) They are going to kook for a present. 6. Choose the right verb form: A) we is playing B) we has playing C) we are playing D) we are plaing E) we was playing 7. Choose the right verb form: A) He sung B) He singed C) He sungs D) He sang E) He sangs 8. Choose the correct variant: A: What … in your spare time? B: I often go swimming A) do you do B) are you doing C) have you done D) are you do E) does you do 9. Find the verb form in Present Perfect Progressive: A) Has V3 B) Had V3 C) am, is, are +Ving D) Have/has been Ving E) Have/Has been V3 10. Choose the correct variant: There are 584 students at the department: А) Five and hundred eighty-four. В) Five hundred and eighty-four. С) Five eighty-four hundred. D) Five hundred eighty fourth. E) Five hundred and eighty four. 11. Choose the word to the definition: It is a person who doesn’t wear fur and leather clothes, and doesn’t eat diary products, meat and fish. A) A meat-eater B) my Granny C) a child D) a vegetarian E) a sick person 12. Choose the correct variant: … you at school yesterday? – Yes, I … А) Were/was В) Am/is С) Were/were D) Was/was Е)Was/were 13 Choose the correct variant: Listen! That boy … the saxophone. A) plays B) played C) is playing D) will play E) is going to play 14. Choose the correct variant: Mark … swimming yesterday. A) go B) has gone C) is going D) went E) will play 15. Choose the correct answer: A: Have you ever been to England? B: … A) No, I haven’t B) No, I did C) No, I have D) No, I don’t E) No, I hasn’


Ответ дал: Decoration

5 D) I’m making a cheese cake right now.  

6 C) we are playing  

7 D) He sang

8 A) do you do  

9 D) Have/has been Ving

10 В) Five hundred and eighty-four.

11 D) a vegetarian  

12 А) Were/was

13 C) is playing

14 D) went  

15 A) No, I haven’t

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