2 задание: письменно дайте полные ответы на вопросы: 1.When do the days become longer? 2.What month is the hottest one in a year? 3.What does "Indian Summer" mean? 4.What monthes are unpleasant time? 5.What is your best season?

fmahmudov08: здесь много вопросов это нарушение


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1. Days become longer in summer.

2. In my opinion July is the hottest months in a year.

3. "Indian summer" is a period of warm weather which happens in September.

4. As for me, October and November the most unpleasant months of the year.

5. My best season is spring ,when nature awakes from winter sleeping, when flowers begin to blossom and the ground is covered with green grass.

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