Fill in the gaps with the following words and phrases.

___ , Helen! You're really into collecting miniature books!

- Yes, I collect miniature books. ___ .

It's a nice one! I am a collector too, ___ I collect coins.

___ I You must have many old coins!

___ I don't have old coins, but I have coins from most of the countries.


- I like watching political programmes. ___?

- I listen to music. It helps me to relax.

- What kind of music ___ ?

___ Mariah Carey and Celine Dion. And you?

____ .

do you enjoy
I love listening to
It's one of my hobbies
My music goes with my mood

Sounds fun
Well What do you like to do in your spare time

What about you
You know​


Ответ дал: lesharudakov


1)Wow  2)It's one of my hobbies  3)You know​ 4) My music goes with my mood

5)Well What do you like to do in your spare time

 6)What about you 7) Sounds fun   8) I love listening to  9) I love listening to



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