1. His elder brother is … technician.
a) an; b) a; c) the; d) —
2. ... students of our college have six hours a day.
a) the; b) —; c) an; d) a.
3. Great Britain is the largest island of … British Isles.
a) a; b) an; c) the; d) -
4. My old grandmother ... a pensioner.
a) are; b) am; c) is; d) was.
5. We ... there last year.
a) was; b) were; c) is; d) are.
6. They … five or six lessons every day.
a) has; b) had; c) will have; d) have.
7. He is brushing ... teeth in the bathroom.
a)his; b) their; c) her; d) our.
8. I need this pen. Give it to ...
a) them; b) her; c) me; d) it.
9.The question is very easy … can answer this question.
a) somebody; b) everybody; c) anybody; d) nobody.
10. Her dress is ... than my dress.
a) the worst ;b) worse; c) more bad; d) bad.
11. The pupils sit... the desk.
a) at; b) on; c) in; d) under.
12. There is a car \около\the college.
a) on; b) around; c) near; d) behind.
13. When he was young, he ... run quickly.
a) can; b) might; c) must; d) could.
14. If you want to know English well, you ... read English books.
a) may; b) can; c) could; d) must.
15. She ... here tomorrow.
a) come; b) will come; c) came; d) shall come.
16. The students are in the classroom now. They ... a test.

a) were writing; b) am writing; c) are writing; d) is writing.
17. As a rule he … tests well.
a) writes; b) write; c) wrote; d) is writing.
18. He ...just... the work.
a) has done; b) have done; c) have been done; d) will have done.
19. Rain … by 5 o’clock yesterday.
a) stopped; b) has stopped; c) have stopped; d) had stopped.
20. The books were bought by me yesterday.
a) Книги я купил вчера.
b) Книги были куплены вчера.
c) Книги были куплены мной вчера.
d) Книги мне купили вчера.
21.Им покажут новый фильм сегодня.
a) They will be shown a new film today.
b) They shall be shown a new film today.
c) They will show a new film today.
d) They shall show a new film today.
22. I took this book from my friend, …?
a) wasn’t I; b) didn’t I; c) did I; d) isn’t I.
23.The textbook \взятый\from the library is new.
a) taking; b) taken; c) is taken; d) took.
24. He said that he ... yesterday.
a) has come; b) have come; c)would come; d) had come.
25. She knew that they ... it.
a) will do; b) would do; c) are doing; d) does.


Ответ дал: marifatm

Ответ:1. His elder brother is … technician.

b) a;

2. ... students of our college have six hours a day.

a) the;

3. Great Britain is the rgest island of … British Isles.

c) the;

4. My old grandmother ... a pensioner.

; c) is;

5. We ... there last year.

b) were;

6. They … five or six lessons every day.

d) have.

7. He is brushing ... teeth in the bathroom.


8. I need this pen. Give it to ...

; c) me;

9.The question is very easy … can answer this question.

b) everybody;

10. Her dress is ... than my dress.

;b) worse;

11. The pupils sit... the desk.

b) on;

12. There is a car \около\the college.

c) near;

13. When he was young, he ... run quickly.

d) could.

14. If you want to know English well, you ... read English books.

c) could;

15. She ... here tomorrow.

; b) will come;

16. The students are in the classroom now. They ... a test.

c) are writing;

17. As a rule he … tests well.

c) wrote;

18. He ...just... the work.

a) has done;

19. Rain … by 5 o’clock yesterday.

; d) had stopped.

20. The books were bought by me yesterday.

c) Книги были куплены мной вчера..

21.Им покажут новый фильм сегодня.

a) They will be shown a new film today.

22. I took this book from my friend, …?

b) didn’t I;

23.The textbook \взятый\from the library is new.

; b) taken;

24. He said that he ... yesterday.

d) had come.

25. She knew that they ... it.

b) would do;


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