Виберіть відповідну форму дієслів з дужок. 1. I (had been waiting/waited) for those pills and drops for two hours before they were ready. 2. They (had been waiting/had waited) for an ambulance car for ten minutes before it arrived. 3. My son (had been taking/has taken) some medicine from cold before breakfast. 4. Pete (had been looking for/has been looking for) a chemist’s for a long time before he saw a building. 5. A surgeon felt tired because he (had been working/worked) hard all day. 6. A chemist (had been making/made) a medicine for an hour before it was ready. 7. His father (had been working/worked) at this hospital for 25 years before he retired.


Ответ дал: Decoration
  1. I had been waiting for those pills and drops for two hours before they were ready.
  2. They had been waiting for an ambulance car for ten minutes before it arrived.
  3. My son has taken some medicine from cold before breakfast.
  4. Pete had been looking for a chemist’s for a long time before he saw a building.
  5. A surgeon felt tired because he had been working hard all day.
  6. A chemist had been making a medicine for an hour before it was ready.
  7. His father had been working at this hospital for 25 years before he retired.
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