Поставте там где надо артикли. Заранее спасибо. My brother-in-law is … writer and his wife is … doctor. These are … difficult sentences. I have … father, … mother and … little sister. What’s … matter with you? We are … students of … English faculty. There came … knock at … door. Benny is already in … bed. Once there lived … captain brave. … Doctor Smith is still at … hospital. This isn’t … snow, this is …ice. She has … velvet dress. He is … good-looking young man of 20. There are … beautiful flowers in … park. Is she … college graduate?


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

My brother-in-law is a writer and his wife is a doctor.

These are _difficult sentences.

I have a father, a mother and a little sister.

What’s the matter with you?

We are _ students of the English faculty.

There came a knock at the door.

Benny is already in _bed.

Once there lived a captain brave.

_Doctor Smith is still at the hospital.

This isn’t _snow, this is _ice.

She has a velvet dress.

He is a good-looking young man of 20.

There are _beautiful flowers in the park.

Is she a college graduate?

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