ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНООО!! Choose the right variant 1. This _ adventure was___ very wonderful for us. a) the ; - b) -; - c) an; a 2. ___car we had chosen is __ comfortable in using. a) a; a b) the; a c) the; - 3. __ math, ___ physics, ___chemistry are ____important in our studying. a) a, a, a, the b) -; -; -; - c) the, the, the, - 4. As for me, I prefer to read about ___outstanding people in our ___ country. a) -; - b) the, the c) an; - 5. I will pass my__ exam on ____Monday at 12 o clock . a) the; the b) -;- c) an; the 6. I have a lot of skills, especially in the computer programming. It helps to make my studying ____ progressive in comparison with other students. a) more b) the more c) the most 7. This reason was ___ important in the decision of this question. a) most b) the most c) the mostest 8. I should be ____because I make a lot of mistakes every time. a) the most attentive b) more attentiver c) more attentive 9. This is ____ photo of my collection. I am proud of ____ photos. a) the oldest; old historical b) oldest; old history c) the most oldest; oldest historical 10. I have forgotten to call her. It was ___ mistake in my life. a) worst b) the worst c) the worstest 11. I ___ along the street yesterday. a) goed b) went c) wented 12. When I ___ her, at first I didn’t noticed anything. a) sow b) seed c) saw 13. Yesterday when I __my work, my telephone suddenly____. a) finished, was ringing b) was finishing, rang c) have been finishing, ringing. 14. The day after yesterday by three o clock ____ to write my essay. I ____ this essay 3 hours and it ___ me nervous. a) finished ; wrote; making b) was been finishing; written; make c) had finished; was writing; made 15. When I ___ a child, I ____ to become a great musician. a) were; dream b) was; dreamed c) had been, dreaming. 16. If you ____to visit this place, _____ me please. a) decide, would take b) decide, will take c) will decide, take 17. If I ___ phone I _____call you. a) had have, will be b) have, will c) had, would 18. If you _____ me I _____ this situation. a) had warned ; would have avoided. b) warned; will avoided c) will warn; have been avoided. 19. We _____ this facts If you _____ it early. a) will considered; had given b) would have considered; had given c) will be considered; gave 20. _____ you help him yesterday? He had very heavy bags. a) can b) could c) coed 21. You ______to do it. I know, you don’t want, but we have no choice. a) can b) have to c) must 22. There _ some interesting news on TV. a) is b) are c) am 23. My clothes _____ durty after work. a) is b) are c) am 24. The hall was almost empty: there were very ___ people in it. a) a few b) few c) little 25. The common work of car _____ on the engine work. a) depend b) depends c) depending 26. Steering wheel is used for _____ car. a) direct b) directs c) direction 27. Engine- is a part of car which ___ it to move. a) makes b) make c) making 28. There was one reason I ______the lisence earlier. a) don’t get b) have not got c) didn’t get 29. The instructor _____all the rules 20 minutes, but I _____ 5 mistakes on the road. a) explained; did b) was explaining: did c) had explained; did 30. The car suddenly ______ during the moving and we ______ it about 40 minutes. a) stop, couldn’t started b) had stopped, couldn’t starting c) stopped, couldn’t start


Ответ дал: C4loVek


1.c .2a 3b 3c 4c 5c 6a 7a 8b 9a 10c

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