Write the verbs in the correct passive form of the verb in brackets. 1. Spanish ________ in Argentina (speak: present simple). 2. The room _________ now(paint: present continuous). 3. The shoes _________ yesterday (mend:past simple). 4. The palace __________ in 1790) build:past simple). 5. The food forthe party _________ this afternoon (buy:will). 6. The email __________ this morning (send:present perfect). 7. 26 people __________ to hospital after the accident (take:past simple). 8. The police __________ after the accident happened (call:past simple). 9. Smoking __________ in the library(not be allowed: present simple). 10. The match __________ due to the snow(cancel:present perfect).


Ответ дал: ИльяАнтонов2001


1. is spoken

2. is being painted

3. were mended

4. was built

5. will be bought

6. has been sent

7. were taken

8. were called

9. is not allowed

10. has been canselled

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