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Past Simple or Present Perfect?

Choose the correct verb tense to complete these sentences.

1. How many times __________ you ___________ to the cinema this month? (be)

2. How many times __________ you ___________ to the cinema last month? (go)

3. I __________ my primary school. (like)

4. ___________ you ever _________ to Russia? (be)

5. ___________ you __________ to Moscow when you were in Russia? (go)

6. Freddie Mercury _________ an interesting life. (have)

7. Clint Eastwood ___________ an interesting life. (have)

8. I _________ John today. (not see)

9. But I _________ him yesterday. (see)

10. ___________ John Lennon ever _______ to Japan? (go)

11. ___________ Paul McCartney ever ________ to Japan? (be)

12. ___________ you __________ your homework yet? (do)

13. No, I still ________________ it. (not finish)

14. __________ you ever ___________ football when you were younger? (play)

15. ____________ you ever _________ baseball? (play)

16. My life ____________ very sad because I ___________ never __________ in love. (be; be)

17. Life _________ very difficult for me when I was a child. (be)


Ответ дал: galina572319


1. How many times _have _ you _been_ to the cinema this month? (be)

2. How many times _did_ you _go_ to the cinema last month? (go)

3. I _liked_ my primary school. (like)

4.  Have_ you ever _been_ to Russia? (be)

5.  Did_ you _go to Moscow when you were in Russia? (go)

6. Freddie Mercury _had_ an interesting life. (have)

7. Clint Eastwood _have had_ an interesting life. (have)

8. I _haven't seen_ John today. (not see)

9. But I _saw_ him yesterday. (see)

10. _Did_ John Lennon ever _go_ to Japan? (go)

11. _Have_ Paul McCartney ever _been_ to Japan? (be)

12. _Have_ you _done_ your homework yet ? (do)

13. No, I still _haven't finished_ it. (not finish)

14. _Did_ you ever _played_ football when you were younger? (play)

15. _Have_ you ever _played_ baseball? (play)

16. My life _has been_ very sad because I _have_ never _been_ in love. (be; be)

17. Life _was_ very difficult for me when I was a child. (be)

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