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Ответ дал: liscameline
5. 1) The rooms are clearer than they used to be

2) It’s colder here than in Kyiv.

3) This is the most expensive book of them all.

4) His answer was worse than i thought.

5) The Nile is longer than Dnipro

6) She thinks this shop is better than that one.

7) These people are politer than in my town.

8) Who is the oldest student in the class?

9) Is Michael more intelligent than Stephan?

10) What is the name of the highest mountain in Europe?

6. 1) This is the biggest building in our city.

2) She is the strangest person we have ever met.

3) The road becomes narrower after some miles.

4) Peter is the oldest of them all.

liscameline: cleaner*
Ответ дал: andrewss


1. cleaner, colder, most expensive, worse, longer, better, the oldest, more intelligent, highest

2. the biggest building, the strangest person, narrower, the oldest

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