1.The weather ... until there ... a wind
a)won't change, was
b)won't be change, was
c)won't change, is
d)won't be change, will be
e)won't change, will be

2.The man ... is standing at the busstop is my dad
a)what b)who c)which

3.I'm thankful ... you
a)- b)for c)from d)to

4.Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
a)How do your parents go to work?
b)Does you parents work in this factory?
c)Do you returning home by bus?
d)Have ever you taken place in Islamic games?
e)Does she reads books at evenings?


Ответ дал: marscol3

На первый вопрос ответ d

На второй вопрос ответ b

На третий вопрос ответ d

На четвёртый вопрос ответ a

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