Напиши, что ты обычно делаешь в разные дни недели и почему. Образец: On Sunday I usually go to the zoo.

I like animals.

on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday,

on Friday, on Saturday, on Sunday


draw pictures, go to the theatre, sing songs, speak English, listen

to music, go for a walk, read books, play with my friends, go to the

swimming pool, watch cartoons, clean my room


Ответ дал: missvlada000


On Monday I usually draw pictures

because I like to paint on mondays.

On Tuesday I usually go to the theatre because I like  

theater performances.

On Wednesday I usually sing songs because I like to sing.

On Thursday I go to the swimming pool because swimming is good for my health.

On Friday I usually play with my friends and go for a walk because I like to spend time with my friends and walk with them.

On Saturday I usually clean my room because Saturday is cleaning day in my family.

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