Make up sentences from the words.

yesterday, we, at, library, the, were , morning _____________________________________ _______________.

he, at, good, chess, was, school, at ______________________________________________.

vase, the, table, on, was, the, last, week __________________________________________.

month, busy, was, Sue, last, very ________________________________________________.

were, an, ago, hour, the, under, the, table, toys ____________________________________ ________________________.

the, closed, were, windows, Monday, morning, on _________________________________.


Ответ дал: marscol3

We were at the library yesterday morning

At school he was good at chess

The vase was on the table last week

Sue was very busy last month

The toys were under the table an hour ago

The windows were closed on Monday morning

Аноним: спасибо большое!!!
Ответ дал: dAlison


We were at the library yesterday morning.

He was good at chess at school.

The  vase was on the table last week.  

Sue was very busy last month.

The toys were under the table an hour ago.

The windows were closed  on Monday morning.


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