Express the same idea in one sentence instead of two by using the Present Perfect Continuous.

Model: I began to do this exercise a quarter of an hour ago. I am still, doing it. — I have been doing this exercise for a quarter of an hour.

1. My sister began to learn French two years ago. She is still learning it. 2. Our teacher began to teach English fifteen years ago. He is still teaching it. 3.1 began to look for this magazine half an hour ago. I am still looking tor it. .4. His father began to work at the railway station in 1990. He is still working there. 5. The boy fell asleep at ten o'clock. He is still sleeping.


Ответ дал: Heniy693


1. My sister has been learning French for two years.

2. Our teacher has been teaching English for fifteen years.

3.I have been looking for this magazine for half an hour

4. His father has been working at the railway station since 1990.

5. The boy has been sleeping since ten o’clock

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