помагите пожалуйста даю 20б за задание по английскому на фото задание ​



Ответ дал: cinderella200326


2. It was cloudy since last week.

3. The first man walked on the moon in 1969.

4. My parents went out last night.

5. Do you ever eat Indian food?

6. Did you see the film on TV last night?

7. They never met the new teacher before.

8. Did you like reading when you were five?

9. I didn't eat any ice cream yesterday.

10. How long did you have that book?

Ответ дал: llimolimo


2. It was cloudy since last week.

3. The first man walked on the moon in 1969.

4. My parents went out last night.

5. Do you ever eat Indian food?

6. Did you see the film on TV last night?

7. They never met the new teacher before.

8. Did you like reading when you were five?

9. I didn't eat any ice cream yesterday.

10. How long did you have that book?


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