помогите пожалуйста и объясните, сильно путаюсь во временах
1. Nick didn't answer the phone when Jack called. He______ a shower and didn't hear the phone ring.

had been taking
was taking
had taken
2. Helen is a fashion designer. Now, she______ at a new set of shoes to be shown at a fashion show in June.

is working
has been working
has worked
3. As far as I know Tom ______ French for quite some time, but he still doesn't understand very much.

is learning
has been learning
has learnt
4. I am tired. We ______for about an hour. Let's stop and rest for a while.

have been walking
are walking
have walked
5. Ann … a lot of mistakes in her test.

a) Have make

b) Has make

c) Have made

d) Has made

6. What … at school yesterday?

a) Did you do

b) Have you done

c) Did you

d) Have you do

7. I … such tall buildings as in Moscow.

a) Never saw

b) Never did see

c) Never have seen

d) Have never seen

8. We … our homework yet.

a) Didn’t finish

b) Haven’t finished

c) Finished

d) Hasn’t finished

9. We … in Asia last winter.

a) Have travelled

b) Travelled

c) Travel

d) Has travelled

10. My brother … read this book yet.

a) Haven’t

b) Havn’t

c) Hasen’t

d) Hasn’t

11. Michael’s hands are very dirty. He. his car since morning.

a) has repaired

b) has been repairing

12. Paul is still writing his essay. He. it all day.

a) has been writing

b) has written

13. Chris and Jane. in the park since 12 o’clock.

a) have been playing

b) had played

14. They … to the village every summer.

a) Are going

b) Goes

c) Go

d) Is going

2. Translate these words and word combinations into Russian:

A curious look
A dragonfly
Close relatives
A scientific language
Human feelings
Dangerous insects
A twin sister
Uncommon species​


Ответ дал: mandruka27


1.was taking

2.is working

3.has been learning

4.have been walking

5.d) Has made

6.a) Did you do

7.d) Have never seen

8.b) Haven’t finished

9.b) Travelled

10.d) Hasn’t

11.b) has been repairing

12.a) has been writing

13.a) have been playing

14.c) Go


слова можно перевести в переводчике. А насчет времен нужно смотреть на их маркеры,в некоторых вариантах есть неправильно даже написаны слова(на внимательность так сказать вопросы),выучи маркеры каждого времени,их формы и тогда все будет ОК)

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