помагите нужно сейчас даю 10 б за 2 задания задание спасибо​



Ответ дал: nunny

4 Use the cues to write questions and answers. Use the Present Simple or the

Present Continuous.

O like jazz music? (like rock music)

_Do you like jazz music? No, I like rock music. _

1 watch film at the moment? (listen to the radio)

2 go jogging? (play tennis)

3 cook pasta? (make a pizza)

4 go to bed early? (go to bed at 11 p. m.)

5 wait for the bus at the moment? (walk to work)

1 Are you watching a film at the moment? No, I'm listening to the radio.

2 Do you go jogging? No, I play tennis.

3 Are you cooking pasta? No, I'm making a pizza.

4 Do you go to bed early? No, I go to bed at 11 p. m.

5 Are you waiting for the bus at the moment? No, I'm walking to work.

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