ДАЮ 40 БАЛЛОВ! Составьте 4 предложения из этих слов 1) as/ I wish/ as well/ friends/ play/ football/ could/ I/ my 2) see/ with/ If only/ could/ the/ you/ us/ were/ older,/ you/ film 3) today/ I wish/ to/ my/ /my/ look after/ little/ sister/ asked/ me/ hadn't/ parents 4) told/ that you/ come/ If only/ were/ have/ me/ going/ to/ you'd/ with you/ I could/ the park,


Ответ дал: council1975


1. I wish I could play football as well as my friends.

2. If only you were older you could see the film with us.

3. I wish my parents hadn't asked me to look after my little sister today.

4. If only you'd told me that you were going to the park I could have come with you.


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